Connected Devices Testing

Amazon Alexa Voice Service Testing at Resillion

AVS Authorised Test Lab

During the test, we will use test automation and a series of checklists provided by Amazon to ensure that your product meets acoustics, music, functional, and user experience (UX) requirements. We will generate certification test results by running the product through the pre-defined test suite, with the results will be collated into a certification report.

AVS Developer Portal

We will also provide implementation support for customised acoustic testing for a choice of materials and mechanical design, white-box testing, code review along with general testing support.

AVS Developer Portal

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    Our Accreditations and Certifications

    Crest Accreditation Resillion
    Check Penetration Testing
    RvA L690 Accreditation
    ISO 27001
    ISO 9001 Resillion
    CCV Cyber Pentest
    Cyber Essentials

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