In today’s digital landscape, securing your systems against potential threats is crucial. Attackers exploit vulnerabilities to steal data, deploy ransomware and disrupt business operations. Regular, comprehensive penetration testing helps you identify and address these vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

However, traditional security testing methods are often too slow, complex and infrequent to meet the needs of modern software development and system environments. Resillion offers a streamlined, efficient solution tailored to today’s fast-paced technology landscape.

Why choose Resillion?

Choosing Resillion for your penetration testing needs offers several key advantages:


Recognised industry experts

Our testers are recognised experts, skilled in discovering many critical vulnerabilities in the software and systems we all use every day.
Our attacker mindset and dedicated Vulnerability and Exploit Development Lab drives true research and innovation.

Simplicity Attack Simulation

With Resillion, scoping, quoting and booking your penetration testing needs is incredibly simple.
A single call or a few clicks can initiate the entire process, eliminating the complexities and delays typical of traditional testing services.


Rapid results

While other providers take weeks to deliver, Resillion will provide the detailed reports within 24 hours from the end test date. Our process is 35x faster and ensuring you can address vulnerabilities without delay.

User experience

Resillion offers seamless integration with your RemOps platform from initial inquiry to final documents, delivering reports in PDF, table, JSON, and soon via API format. We support ticketing, workflow, and messaging services for developers and issue owners, ensuring convenience and speed of delivery.

Our offerings

Managed, continuous testing

Our Agile and managed testing services identify and address cyber security vulnerabilities continuously, matching the speed of your DevOps. Combining AI-driven automated assessments with manual and AI-enhanced validation by expert cyber security engineers, Resillion offers over 25 years of expertise in security testing. Our integrated solution leverages data analytics and trend analysis for superior protection, enhancing the security of your networks and software throughout their lifecycle.

OT / IoT security testing

Operational Technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) assets are increasingly vulnerable to attack. Each connected device expands your attack surface, increasing risk. Our OT / IoT security assessments ensure compliance with standards like IEC 62443, EN 303 645, UL2900-1, NIST IR 8425 and government IoT standards, providing ongoing monitoring against evolving threats. We rigorously test your devices and processes to ensure layered security, mitigating risks that could impact your organisation.

Web and mobile application security testing

Web applications are critical interfaces between your organisation and the outside world, often targeted by cyber criminals. Our testing approach addresses security-related implementation and design issues through both manual checks and automated scanning, ensuring compliance with OWASP Top 10 and ASVS standards.

Network infrastructure testing

A single vulnerability in your IT infrastructure can lead to a successful attack. Our network testing includes real-world attack simulations, identification of vulnerable devices and system configuration reviews. We provide comprehensive recommendations and remediation advice to strengthen your overall security.

Binary application testing

Application attacks can bypass traditional defences, leading to unauthorised access. Our application security assurance supports you throughout the development stage, offering best practices in security testing and optimal configuration for both functionality and security.

API testing

APIs often represent a weak point in your organisation’s security. Our CREST-assured API security testing provides objective, independent advice on best practices in application assurance and security testing, ensuring your APIs are configured for maximum security without compromising functionality.

Experience the future of penetration testing with Resillion

Our efficient, comprehensive and user-friendly services ensure your organisation stays protected against ever-evolving threats. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help safeguard your digital assets.

Contact us now
Experience the future of penetration testing with Resillion

    Our Accreditations and Certifications

    Crest Accreditation Resillion
    Check Penetration Testing
    RvA L690 Accreditation
    ISO 27001
    ISO 9001 Resillion
    CCV Cyber Pentest
    Cyber Essentials

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